In our experience it can be hard sourcing items in remote regions in reasonable times while cruising the South pacific. Whitsunday Superyacht Services provides full and comprehensive South pacific support for all vessels cruising in the area.
Let us do the leg work for you.
We work closely with agents we support in Fiji, New Caledonia, Tahiti, Tonga and Vanuatu, to provide parts and supplies promptly. We can source, pack and ship any parts/supplies you may need, especially the more hard to come by super yacht products, including dangerous goods ie. varnish, paints, chemicals, barnacle buster.
We have found that we need 24-48hrs to find the item, and it can be cleared in as little as a week ( ex Australia/NZ/USA) into countries such as Fiji. We have shipped parts, props, tenders and outboards, via sea and air freight.
All requests considered, it could include: Wine, Food, AV gear, Galley equipment. etc.
Your Captain or mate may not have the time to source a product while cruising, just ask us and we will track it down for you.
Links to agents we work with and recommend: